The Colker family was established in 1984 when Pam and Jeff were married. We have been blessed with ten children and had resided in the Atlanta, Georgia suburbs since 1986. Jeff was saved when he was a junior in high school attending Westminster Academy in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. During the next several years he was active in Evangelism Explosion, Coral Ridge Ministries and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship while attending High School, Miami Dade College and Florida State University.

Since Pam came to the Lord in 1997 we have sought to fully dedicate ourselves and our children to seeking first the kingdom of God believing that He would guide and provide for us in all areas of our lives. And what a provider He has been! Aside from the blessings of many children, He has never failed to provide for our family as it has grown larger. God has led us onto paths we never would have dared on our own. Such as down-sizing our house and lifestyle so Pam could stay home with the children. He convicted us to home school and has faithfully grown the children in wisdom as we have sought Him above all else. After many successful years as the Vice President of Sales for two chemical manufacturers, God led Jeff to start his own company which enabled him to take a sales organization and use it as a tool for discipleship and witnessing. We were blessed with 5 successful years building the company that with God’s generosity had grown every year and is yet another testimony of His provision for us.

We have each had a heart for the lost since coming to Christ and for orphaned children in particular since the Romanian orphanage crisis was exposed in the early 90's. We pursued the adoption of children from Eastern Europe but each time God has blessed us with another child (or two!) of our own instead.

The tsunami that devastated Southeast Asia fused the issues of missions and orphans and God’s plan for us began to be revealed in clearer terms. We began praying and fasting for what He wanted from us. His response was for us to go and serve, seeking the lost and ministering to the urgent spiritual needs of orphaned and abandoned children. But instead of Asia, God focused our attention on Eastern Europe and on Ukraine in particular as our mission field. Prior to this we had not known much about nor even spoken of Ukraine but He has thrown open doors, clearing a path for His plan for this “new season” in our lives. This time as we began to understand better the plans He had revealed, it would take all of our combined experiences of His faithfulness thus far in our lives to trust and follow!

We soon became aware of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and the phenomenal opportunities and training available through them. Then came, “How do we do this financially?” We knew we would need to release our business that had been our source of income. And again, God showed His faithfulness. In a very short time, as news of our calling spread, many friends and even some believers we do not know and have not yet met, began to offer prayers and financial support.

Colker Family 2004

As Independent Missionaries, our family sought to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) while working as the hands of Christ in orphanages, schools and hospitals ministering to orphans and Ukrainian street children who have no place to call home. There is a desperate need for preaching the gospel and discipling to this generation of children so His powerful message of redemption and hope can resonate throughout their lives and bring lasting change to them, their families, communities and nation.

We served in Ukraine for two and a half years as full time staff with YWAM Kyiv – Family Ministries. Pam provided counseling and training in parenting and raising children for Christ. Jeff founded and directed YWAM Kyiv’s new Mercy Truck ministry bringing medical and dental services to orphanages throughout Ukraine Gregory our oldest son began his own missionary journey and completed his DTS in Closkelt, Northern Ireland and serving for a brief period in China. Afterwards he served as a leader working in reconciliation ministry for the base and lead a team to South Africa. The next three oldest, Steven, Emily and Jennie served in Ukraine in various ministries as volunteers. We saw God do many amazing things over those years teaching and growing us and preparing us for our next season.

In the summer of 2007 it was discovered that our fifteen-year-old son had contracted latent TB while serving in Ukraine. Once again we found ourselves seeking God’s leading and direction. Through circumstances and prayers God revealed that our family would return to the United States and serve with YWAM Lebanon in Pennsylvania. Jeff made a two year commitment to join the staff of the base assisting the Director in the administration and operations of the base while continuing to raise awareness and support for Mercy Trucks Ukraine. After our time in Ukraine, Jeff could use that experience and knowledge God provided to build on the bases 15-year history of serving the people of Ukraine and training and sending missionaries to over ninety other countries while growing the resources of the work God began through him in Mercy Trucks. In early 2009, Mercy Trucks America was launch from Lebanon and we began the work of expanding into the Americas. Jeff also joined the board of Mercy Trucks International.

Colker Family 2009

In the fall of 2009, five years after the beginning of The Colker Family Mission, we felt the end of our mission season come upon us and it was decided we would step out of full time missions and re-enter the workforce. At the end of 2010 we made the move back to Atlanta into the home we had left nearly six years earlier. Pam and I have seven of the children still with us at home. Greg is in Southwest Florida with his wife Jacqueline and their daughter Eleanor. He owns and manages a successful media company Greg’s Website. Emily is living and studying in Nashville Tennessee. Jennie is attending the University of Georgia Terry School of Business. I have returned to Apollo Technologies where I am Director - Product Management. Pam continues her never ending job of homeschooling and maintaining our very large household. Although we are no longer be in full-time missionary service, we will never stop being missionaries. God has given all of us all a tremendous passion for sharing the Gospel and being His hands in Mercy. He has now given us an awesome testimony to share and encourage other to trust in Him.

We will keep our web site up as an ongoing testimony to the power and faithfulness of our God. As we continue to support Mercy Trucks and Youth With A Mission from afar we will also continue to accept opportunities with churches and groups to share this awesome story. It is our prayer that our story will encourage others as they face seemingly impossible calls to service.

Colker Family 2011

Update 2014 brought new blessings to our family with our new daughter in-law Jacqueline. Gregory and Jacqueline met at Ave Maria University and were married in June of 2014. We welcome the blessing of our eighth daughter!

Gregory & Jacqueline

Greg & Jacqueline’s Wedding in Atlanta, Georgia June 2014

Colker Family 2014

Update 2015 brought additional new blessings to our family with our new granddaughter Eleanor Jacqueline born June 9th to Greg and Jacqueline.

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Eleanor Jacqueline Colker

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Colker Family 2015