Our work continues...

"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2

Roy Dixon and Jeff Colker before Roy began the journey to Haiti.

Once again God has moved in mighty ways to expand our reach as we launch another Mercy Truck ministry.

On January 12, 2010 the island nation of Haiti was struck with a catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude 7.0. Its epicenter was approximately 25 km (16 miles) west of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. By January 24 the United States Geological Survey had recorded at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater. The International Red Cross estimated that about three million people were affected by the quake; Haitian President Rene Preval stated on the 27th of January that "nearly 170,000" bodies had been counted. The New York Times reported on January 28 that 20,000 commercial buildings and 225,000 residences had collapsed or were severely damaged. The human suffering will continue for longer than anyone is willing to guess.
Within days following the disaster, calls were made for specific needs to aid the immediate rescue efforts as well as the continuing needs that will face this devastated nation. YWAM, which has been operating in St. Marc, Haiti, since 1991, began communications with Mercy Trucks about launching a long-term presence in Haiti. It was agreed that Mercy Trucks would provide a vehicle and much needed medical supplies and equipment allowing YWAM Haiti to facilitate medical teams not only during this critical time, but long after rescue teams and emergency responders have returned to their respective nations and the Haitian earthquake has faded from the front pages.

Beginning immediately a Mercy Trucks team in Hexham, England began sorting and preparing supplies and equipment. Meanwhile 3,500 miles away in Lebanon, Pennsylvania final preparations were being made on a converted ambulance that is designed for maximum flexibility in service. Within days, two pallets of specifically needed medical supplies were being shipped to London for a flight to Pennsylvania. Roy Dixon, the founder and director of Mercy Trucks, decided to oversee the transportation to Haiti and launching of the ministry. On January 29, 2010 Roy arrived in the US where he was met by Jeff Colker, Director of Mercy Trucks Americas. The 28-foot ambulance was packed with the supplies and Roy has begun the 20-hour drive to South Florida where the vehicle will be loaded onto a ship for the final journey to Haiti.
So many have already given of their time and finances to make this journey a reality. British Airways along with freight services and customs personnel have blessed this effort with their support. We invite you to follow Roy’s journey on our site and join us with your payers and financial support of this new and very special Mercy Truck location.

More information on Mercy Trucks, our vision and mission, our locations and details on giving can be found at

Mercy Truck packed and ready for Haiti